This project also played a key part of my final year at university and was part of my ‘umbrella’ of related topics. It allowed me to explore the sexualisation of the male body and issues within the LGBT+ community.
I also looked into the notion of ‘perfection’ and ‘imperfection’ with a view to the male body – in which I considered whether society as a whole placed unrealistic ideals in our mind and whether or not this can have a negative effect on men. This topic has allowed me to explore photography in a much more mature manner - whilst combining risqué and shock.
This also connected to sex in advertising and allowed me to question whether the viewer is exploited through the sexualised content that is presented within advertising and what sort of impact this could have - as well as whether or not this is appropriate and what impact it could have. This underpinned my studio practice for my final year as ‘sexualisation’ played a key part of my work.